Monday, November 18, 2019

(74) Sterling Hill Museum Stamp Mills

During a search for stamp mills back east I ran into a great find. While touring the Sterling Hill Museum in New Jersey I found not one, but four stamp mills on display from various locations.  The following are the stamp mills:

 The pictures below shows outside and inside of the stamp mill at its original home in Canada

 I need to show more than one picture of the 10-stamper to give you an idea of what an asset this stamp mill could be for the museum. When I first viewed it I knew it had to be restored. The completeness of the mill and condition was exceptional. Most mills that I look at are, at best, missing most of their parts and more times than not the parts that are there came for other mills. In this case the mill was very complete and the Museum assisted in taken it down and moving it from Canada to New Jersey. This ensured that nothing was left there and the museum would know how to reassembled the artifact. 

 The restored stamp mill as shown in the Sterling Hill Newsletter.