Friday, May 29, 2020
Saturday, May 16, 2020
(83) 2020 Mining Artifact Shows (update 5-15-20)
2020 Mining Artifact
Remaining Mining
Artifact shows for 2020
following shows are for individuals searching for mining artifacts. You will
only see mining artifacts, not many other antiques. So, if you are only
interested in mining artifacts these shows will help add to your mining collection.
COVID-19 virus has impacted several of the shows, with some of them being cancelled
or re-scheduled later in the year.
three remaining shows are in Colorado, California and Nevada where there has
been a lot of mining history. I just talked with the three shows managers and they
are going to have their shows as scheduled below. You may want to call them
when we get close to the scheduled dates. I will monitor the dates and put out
any changes that occur due to the COVID-19 virus spread.
OURAY, CO 2020
Western Mining Artifact Show & Auction
Date: Saturday,
September 19, 2020
Where; Ouray
Community Center, 320 Sixth Street, Ouray, Colorado
Swap Meet: 9 AM to
4 PM (set up 7 - 9)
Contact: Steve
Rush 970-596-0824
NEVADA CITY 2020 (Fall
Railroad & Mining Antique Collectors Swap Meet
Date: October 16th
& 17th 2020
Where: Nevada City Elks Club
518 Hwy. 49, Nevada City, California
Show & Sale: Friday 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM $5.00
Saturday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM - $5.00
Early Bird Wheeling & Dealing -
Fri 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM $25.00
Set up Thur. 4 PM - 8 PM, Fri 7 AM - 10 AM, Sat 8 AM - 9 AM
Early bird wheeling and dealing begins at 7AM
in the parking lot
Tables $65 each. There will be
limited Selling Parking spaces for $50 each
Contact: Lou Janakos, (530-272-5371)
Antiques Show on the Comstock
Date: Saturday, September 5, 2020
Where; Delta Saloon Casino, 18 South C Street
Swap Meet: 9 AM to 4 PM (set up 7 - 9)
Contacts: Todd Mitchell @ 760 908-5755
or Larry Crotts @ 575 574-4889