Back in 2014 I took a trip to visit Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania to find stamp mills that still operate. We started out in the south island of New Zealand and toured around the perimeter of the island and found (3) stamp mills that still run. We saw many mills in various forms of deterioration, but there were actually three that actually ran. The following is some information on each of the mills:
We flew to Tasmania and toured around the perimeter of the island and found (3) additional stamp mills that still run. We also saw many mills in various forms of deterioration, but there were actually three that actually ran. The following is some information on each of the mills:
We flew to Melbourne in Victoria, Australia that is in the southeast corner of the continent, where we proceeded to go northwest and make a circle back to Melbourne. This area is know as "The Gold Triangle" that produced in 1856, a documented recovery of 3,053,744 troy ounces of gold. This was only a very small part of the continent that has large gold producing areas on the west coast. I found a map dated 1932 where I counted over 35 State Batteries (Govt. Stamp Mills). We also saw many mills in various forms of deterioration, but there were actually three that actually ran in the area we visited. The following is some mills we founds in that small part of Australia: